In a recent interview on the Unusual Suspects Podcast hosted by Kenya Barris and Malcolm Gladwell, Ava Duvernay explained her choices surrounding marriage and children. According to PEOPLE, which had an exclusive preview of the forthcoming interview, Duvernay expressed doubts about her maternal instincts. “I don’t feel like I would be a good mother for a child,” states the celebrated director.
Being the eldest of five siblings, Duvernay reflects on her experiences with young children throughout her life, noting she never felt the urge to have her own. “My family, my mom, used to say, for a little while before she recognized I was serious, ‘You’ll change your mind.’ I don’t feel like I would be a good mother for a child. I don’t want to do that, and I believe in the most ideal scenario, you should want to do that. I just don’t want to.”
“Me being gone so often and me being on top of a mountain in New Zealand shooting with a helicopter — these are not traditional things for a woman,” Duvernay Says.
Regarding marriage, Duvernay acknowledges that she has experienced many “beautiful relationships” in her life. However, the traditional structure of marriage didn’t align with her life goals. The 52-year-old believes that it would lead her to adopt a more “traditional” role. She elaborates, “And me being gone so often and me being on top of a mountain in New Zealand shooting with a helicopter — these are not traditional things for a woman.”
When asked if her lack of interest in marriage affects her romantic relationships, she confidently replied, “No.” She explained, “Because I’m not asking for that. If you’re looking for a husband to stand by while you’re pursuing these ventures, I think you’re going to struggle more. But if you’re not seeking a husband, companionship, partner…”
The Unusual Suspects series is exclusively available on Audible.
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